what is life?
Life is working for hours to win the wealth and then settling for an ice-cream bar with your loved ones every evening.
Life is crying for hours for not winning your love or your desires and settling for your mom's lap at the end with satiation, for that touch of hers is the zenith of happiness.
Life is fighting and getting back to your friends. Every time you win the argument, you lose their smile. Every time they get back after the Fight, the bond strengthens many folds.
Life is a competition of smiles and tears, both equally strong. For one to stay, other has to leave. Those who have mastered the art of living a happy life, know how to let smiles win over sorrows and tears. They know for smiles to spread wide on your face, the roads from eyes to cheeks have to cleaned by waters, the tears are just those waters. The cycle of crying and laughing, then crying and smiling is life.
Life is a battle of a winner and a loser in you, again both are equally strong. Those who have mastered the art of living victoriously or may be just a content and satiated life, know that for the winner in you to take birth, the loser has to too. Debacles teach what schools cannot, they teach spirits that victory cannot teach. The ones who have succeeded in life know that the winner will gain the throne only when the loser in you pisses you off and you decide to take hold and end its reign.
Life is a conquest of love over hatred, the more love wins, the happier you are. Those who have mastered the art of loving know that love is the panacea to all the griefs. To love is to win, win people and win hearts and win your life.
Finally it is just a roller coaster of ups and downs. Just remember the lower you fall, the greater velocity you gain. The darkest night has the brightest dawn. Just that the roller coasters are fun when people you love are around.
Hope didn’t get too philosophical,;p
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